Monday, September 8, 2008

Odd Practices and Cult Favorites

The Old Man played golf today. I had my normal game....a mixed bag of shots:

  • A "Saddam Hussein"....From one bunker to another.
  • A "James Joyce"...A putt that's impossible to read.
  • A couple of "Barbara Streisand"s....Ugly but still working.

My golfing pals, Dennis, Jay, and Phil all carry cell-phones. I was tied to one when I worked and when I retired, handed it over to Miss Martha and said, "You are now the keeper of the flame." I've noticed that these phones do some interesting and strange things now. In addition to calls, Jay has, at times, gotten weather radar, checked forecasts, made videos of one of our golf swings, and occasionally, actually spoken on it. All this brought to mind how far we have come. I began to think of the products, habits, and culture of my childhood.

Let's start with phones. Ours had a 4 digit number. It weighed a ton and you actually dialed someone else's 4 digit number. At first it was a party line. You'd pick up the receiver to make a call and there would be the party who shared the line with you chatting away. I recall many "huff-n-puffs" and "eye-rolls" when my folks wanted to make a call. There was an actual Operator sitting somewhere. You could dial "O" and she (always a she) would answer. She would then perform whatever service you needed; connect you with a party whose number you didn't know, look up a phone number for you, or break into a "busy" line to tell them someone needed to talk to them. By far the most often used service was to place long distance calls for you. That was the only way you could make them.

We had some of what I call "cult favorites".....those products that my folks swore by and that might not have been used by many other people.

  • Lifebouy Soap....This was supposed to ward off that problem no one talked about; BO. For you less sensitive types, that's Body Odor. It was a pinkish color and smelled like a doctor's office that had been contaminated with kerosene.
  • Octogon Soap....This was a very strong soap for "tough dirt" on one's hands. I think my folks used it because it reminded them of the lye soap their parents made when they were young. Octogon had an aroma reminiscent of old meat.
  • Packer's Pine Tar Soap....My dad introduced this one into the house. I think it had creosote or something in it. It was supposed to be good for dandruff. I don't think it worked really well because my dad's head was a cue ball by the time he was 30.
  • Snow Drift.....This was a brand of shortening my mom used in baking. Pseudo lard.
  • Terpin Hydrate and Codeine....The best cough medicine you could buy. I don't know what terpin hydrate is but I think it was the codeine that carried the mail. You simply walked into a drug store, asked for a bottle, signed a note book and that was it. It had an orange flavor as I recall.
  • Sloan's Liniment....My dad used this on all of his achy muscles. It was a greenish brown liquid that smelled a little like wintergreen. It could heat tender skin up to match the surface of the sun. I tried it once and had to sit in a tub of ice water for an hour.
  • Castoria....Branded as a "gentle laxative for children" this stuff would rival Colonoscopy prep. My mother, for some reason, firmly believed that little boys, like houses, needed a "spring cleaning". When April approached, I would hide under the porch for hours. But she always won out, and I would catch up on my comic book reading.

So, there you have it. Just a sampling of the products of my youth; the "cult favorites" and a couple of the "odd practices". I got a little catalog in the mail the other day from an outfit called the Vermont Country Store. As I thumbed through it, "Lifebouy" jumped out at me. Hmmmm....they may get a call.


Bryan said...

Jack, that's hysterical. It is amazing to think of how far we have come technologically in such a short amount of time. Speaking of Spring cleanings. I just received mine Friday courtesy of some food poisoning. Final tally...7.5 lbs in 16 hours. A hell of a diet.

Sherri said...

Wow, Jack.

You forgot Ivory Snow ... guaranteed to set you off sneezing for hours and cause a rash of epic proportions.

And, "Gentian Violet" ... the purple stuff they used to paint me with when I had poison ivy all over my body.

Life is good.

And my phone is full of pics of our little kids or grandkids pics...just Beau. LOL

Anonymous said...

I remember you talking about the soap, if you order some, send some on down, your adorable almost 10 yr old grandson could stand something! lol

Oh the cough syrup, you know how I wish you could still just walk in and get the good stuff!

Hey I remember, also, the phonebook you had when we lived in the Burg with just 4 digit phone numbers, along with the old Iron I think it was phone (heavy).. do you still have those?

Great reads as always pops!

Anonymous said...

You forgot about the crazy women, who know I play golf with you guys on Monday, that actually call me with some issue or

Otherwise riding with you and talking junk is the high point of my week...Kinda sad huh?

Chele said...

LOL~ The Barbara comment still has me giggling. Ivory Snow and Caster Oil are the only "must haves" from your childhood that I recognize. As usual good post!

Anonymous said...

Dad, once again, fantastic post. Loved the golf shots!! And I DO remember Lifebouy! You do still have that phone, don't you? Seems I recall seeing it around there somewhere. It sat in that foyer by that door that used to scare me to death! :-) Love you!