Sunday, November 30, 2008

It's A Dog's Life

The Old Man has always loved dogs. Through the years, I've had several. Before there was Hobo, LuLu, and George Henry, there were much earlier versions. Here's the rundown.

My earliest memory was of Jake. Jake was my dad's bird dog. I can't recall whether or not he was worth much for hunting, but when we partnered, we were good for a laugh according to Mom.
Jake taught me a lot of useful skills. I'm told (and photographic evidence proves it) that when I was asked, "What does Jake do?" I didn't respond with the typical "Woof Woof". Noooooo, not me.
After Jake, came Bootsie. Bootsie I vaguely remember. Funny how things stick with you. What I remember most about Bootsie was his habit of spending hour after hour chasing his tail. He caught it once, bit down, and then yelped like a banshee.

Bootsie eventually gave way to Brownie. Brownie was unremarkable until he was hit by a car. He wasn't badly damaged with the exception of his tail. It never again wagged. It just hung there like a roll of flypaper. Fast forward a few years. Then came Pedro. Pedro had the most acute hearing I've ever seen. At the time, I had a small motorcycle that I used on my paper route. Mom & Dad would be sitting on the front porch catching the cool of late afternoon. Suddenly Pedro would bound up from his snooze and bolt out to the end of the driveway. He knew the sound of my cycle and would hear it long before mere humans. Never failed......he was always waiting.

Folks had a little different relationship with dogs in those days. In a small rural town like Bedford, the vets were kept pretty busy with the larger farm animals. Dog owners did a lot of the minor "patch-ups" for our pets. We'd use disinfectant on cuts, flea powder as needed, and bandages where necessary. We pulled ticks off them with needle-nose pliers, and fed them whatever was left from our own supper. Occasional treats included, ice cream, cookies, and cheese. I never saw a dog that didn't like cheese. Sometimes we would overdo the sweets. Our dogs would then come down with the "hypers". Brownie, for example would react to sugar, bouncing around like PeeWee Herman after a 6-pack of Red Bull with a Vault chaser.

I would be remiss if I didn't say a simple "Thank you" to Jake, Bootsie, Brownie, and Pedro. You all played a part in my life that was appropriate for the time. We are all products of every experience we have had on our life journey, and I learned from you all.


Chele said...

Awww you knew I'd love this one didn't you? Great post and I completely get where you are coming from. Pets enrich our lives in ways we don't expect.

Sherri said...

Ours gets table food and dog food and needs a few more walks!

Pets have always had a very special place in our family members' hearts and are considered members of the family.

Loved the pics, Jack. Your mom had her hands full. LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh Dad! Emily absolutely went CRAZY over the pictures of you and your dogs! She LOVED them! You MUST tell the story that Grannie used to tell about the poor dog who helped himself while you were working on your motorcycle!! LOVED that story! Great, great post!

Anonymous said...

Ok now you have me missing my Hobo, Lulu and George Henry. Great post Dad - and those pictures, LOVE THEM! I need to take a week off and come up there and go through all of your pictures. These are priceless, as were your canine companions...

LOVE how you explained what your dog did... to funny.

Much love from Paco and Bella!

Bryan said...

Cool pics Jack. Dogs are a man's best friend.