Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Well What Do Ya Know

The Old Man gives the weather soothsayers a pat on the back for saying sooth. The snow came just as they had predicted. They turned out to be right on the money.

By "snow belt" standards, its pretty insignificant, but by Miami standards, its pretty impressive. While I probably cannot make a snow man, I might manage a snow chicken.

I still didn't get to hear those tire chains, but we are warm and safe. All in all, a good day to assist CNN & Fox News in making sure our new President's inauguration occurred. Godspeed Mr. Bush and God's guidance President Obama.


Anonymous said...

HEY! Pretty cool, there, you snow birds! I have been sneaking glimpses of the inauguration all day on the web. I echo your sentiments, Dad. Enjoy the snow!

Anonymous said...

Lovely snow - heck when we were in school that would have closed Campbell County. lol Glad you guys enjoyed being snowed in!

So true on the Godspeed AND God's guidance.

Chele said...

LOL! Good for them being right! I like that kind of snow very pretty and it melts quickly. lol


CS....glad you all got the snow and we didn't....lol.

The fix on the 'comment' thing was in the code for the old new layout....it wasn't there. Who would've 'thunk' it?