Monday, March 2, 2009

Looks A Little Pale

The Old Man finally got his wish. We had a decent snow....the best one (according to the weather guessers) in about 5 years. It started about 7:30 last night after a day of heavy rain, and continued until early morning.

Seems that Washington, DC is getting hammered along about now. Wouldn't it be a good thing if we could perceive the same degree of purity inside the buildings that heavy snow brings to the outside of them?

Nothing heavy, this post. Just a chance to share a little beauty with you.

Oh, by the way; thanks to all who commented on my Iwo Jima series. Look for a similar series in June as we honor those brave souls who encountered The Longest Day.


Jules said...

Beautiful! All I can say is WINTERGREEN.... should make you smile!

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures! So last night in the warmth of our den in our PJs, Emily and I thought how beautiful and peaceful it was....then I had to get up and come into work in it. It is indeed gorgeous, but I have had enough now! :-)


We weren't as lucky here to have a pretty snow. I blogged about our weather

I am SO READY for Spring!

Chele said...

Beautiful pics, but admit I'm happy you got it and we didn't. lol!

I look forward to the next series.

Sherri said...

Beautiful pics, Jack. I always liked the snow if I didn't have to go out in it. So, naturally, most of the time I didn't like it. :)